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Tim Spencer had been following the cold case of the late 1960s San Francisco area Zodiac Killer since 2007. The Zodiac wrote to the press, challenging that his identity was hidden in his first cryptogram, but not his name. Over the years, the FBI’s and CIA’s best computers never found the answer. Neither had a world full of armchair detectives. And then, Spence found it! Right where the killer said he had hidden it. And the killer was correct. The answer was easy! It only took him over 15 years and $100,000 to find it.
His name was Edward Edwards.
"55" The Zodiak Killer Identified
by Tim Spencer
$19.95 + $5.00 SH
6" x 9"
195 Pages
ISBN-13: 978-1954463202
ISBN-10: 1954463200
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