Filled with colorful characters and narrow escapes, Bernie’s book takes the reader back to the “Old West” of 1960s Montana and relates a previously untold account of the tragic flood that occurred on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in 1964. Throughout the book, tribal customs and struggles are explained and treated with appropriate dignity and respect.
The story concludes with a visit to present-day Montana, relating the progress the Blackfeet have independently made in the areas of education, health, and housing; This book represents a fine contribution to the history of both Montana and the Blackfeet Nation.
Hans Decker, Short Story Author, Alexandria, Virginia
by Bernie Yednock
$24.95 + $5.00 SH
$39.95 + $5.00 SH
6" x 9"
204 Pages
For bookstores/booksellers, family groups or customers who want to order five or more books please contact Bernie for discounted rates.
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