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It might be safe to say that there are many people who are imprisoned yet never spend a day in jail. Some people have said to me over the years, “It's only by the grace of God that I was never arrested, convicted, sentenced and made to serve time for things that I've done and gotten away with in my life.” Sadly, other people have addictions, strongholds, possessions, fears, temptations, and various other situations that hold them captive. Some of these may be caused by bad relationships, curses from previous generations, poor decisions and many other things totally out of their control, such as natural disasters. The human condition is struggling to find a resting place where there is peace and tranquility. The current state of affairs in our country and around the world offers nothing but stress, confusion and division.This book offers the solution to all of man's dilemmas. Jesus Christ has come to set men free from the snares of the fowler. The Devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. These pages give testimony of those who have overcome the evil one and the Devil’s plan for their lives. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed.My desire is that you will become more astute regarding God's plan for your lives as you read this book and learn of the deliverance power others have experienced and is available to us all.
San Quentin Before,
During and After
by H.C. (Bert) Disbrow

6" x 9" 
Black and White 124 Pages

ISBN-13: 978-1734563764

ISBN-10: 1734563761

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